SDC Information

What is a System Development Charge (SDC)?

In general, an SDC is a one-time fee imposed on new development or expansion of existing development and assessed at the time of development approval or increased usage of the system. Overall, SDCs are intended to promote equity between new and existing customers by recovering a proportionate share of the cost of existing and planned/future capital facilities that serve the developing property.

How are SDCs set?

The framework for SDC calculation is established by Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 223.297-314. The City of Scappoose conducts periodic updates to its various Public Facility Plans (e.g. master plans) to provide orderly and sustainable growth of local roads, water, sewer, stormwater, and parks.

The City of Scappoose utilizes the Engineering News-Record (ENR) 20-City Average Construction Cost Index (CCI) for annual indexing of SDC fees.

How can SDCs be used?

SDCs may only be used for capital improvements and/or related debt service.

More Information:

SDC Annual Reports are available here.

For more information about SDCs, please contact Susan Reeves, City Recorder, at